Defendant Name: Dyadic International, Inc.

Defendant Type: Public Company
SIC Code: 8731
CUSIP: 26745T10

Initial Case Details

Legal Case Name In the Matter of Dyadic International, Inc.
First Document Date 04-Jun-2009
Initial Filing Format Administrative Action
File Number 3-13504
Allegation Type Issuer Reporting and Disclosure
AAER 2984

Violations Alleged

Exchange Act
Rule 12b-20
Sec 13(a)
Rule 13a-1
Rule 13a-13
Sec 13(b)(2)(A)
Sec 13(b)(2)(B)


First Resolution Date 04-Jun-2009

Related Documents:

34-60047 04-Jun-2009 Administrative Proceeding
Order Instituting Cease-and-Desist Proceedings Pursuant to Section 21C of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Making Findings and Imposing a Cease-and-Desist Order
On June 4, 2009, the SEC instituted settled cease-and-desist proceedings against Dyadic International, Inc. stating: "For fiscal years ended December 31, 2005 and 2006, Dyadic filed periodic reports with the Commission incorporating financial statements that materially misstated its revenues and accounts receivable balances."