Defendant Name: The “Shell” Transport and Trading Co.

Defendant Type: Public Company
SIC Code: 1221
CUSIP: 82270360

Initial Case Details

Legal Case Name In the Matter of Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and The "Shell" Transport and Tradng Co., p.l.c.
First Document Date 24-Aug-2004
Initial Filing Format Administrative Action
File Number 3-11595
Allegation Type Issuer Reporting and Disclosure
AAER 2085

Violations Alleged

Exchange Act
Sec 10(b) + Rule 10b-5
Rule 12b-20
Sec 13(a)
Rule 13a-1
Sec 13(b)(2)(A)
Sec 13(b)(2)(B)


First Resolution Date 24-Aug-2004

Related Documents:

34-50233 24-Aug-2004 Administrative Proceeding
Order Instituting Cease-and-Desist Proceedings Pursuant Section 21C of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Making Findings, and Imposing a Cease-and-Desist Order
According to the SEC: "In a series of announcements between January 9 and May 24, 2004, Shell announced the recategorization of 4.47 billion barrels of oil equivalent ("boe"), or approximately 23%, of the "proved" reserves it reported as of year-end 2002, because they did not comply with the definition of "proved" reserves in Rule 4-10 of Regulation S-X ("Rule 4-10").3 This recategorization reduced the standardized measure of future cash flows reported in Shell's original 2002 Form 20-F as Supplemental Information under Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 69 ("FAS 69") by approximately $6.6 billion."
2010-67 30-Apr-2010 Press Release--Administrative Proceeding
SEC Announces $113.5 Million Distribution in Royal Dutch Shell Fair Fund
On April 30, 2010 in a press release, the SEC announced "the start of an approximately $113.5 million Fair Fund distribution resulting from the settlement of a previous SEC enforcement action against Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and The 'Shell' Transport and Trading Company, PLC."

Other Defendants in Action: