Defendant Name: Ford Motor Credit Company LLC

Defendant Type: Subsidiary of Public Company

Document Reference: 33-9240

Document Details

Legal Case Name In the Matter of Ford Motor Credit Company
Document Name Order Modifying Order Instituting Cease-and-Desist Proceedings, Making Findings, and Imposing Remedial Sanctions and a Cease-and-Desist Order Pursuant to Section 8A of the Securities Act of 1933
Document Date 22-Jul-2011
Document Format Administrative Proceeding
File Number 3-11950
Allegation Type Securities Offering
Document Summary On July 22, 2011, the SEC filed an order modifying the previous order that had been entered in the cease and desist proceedings for Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. The modification proposed by the company and accepted by the SEC allows the company to send notice to its noteholders that a Form 10-K is available on the SEC website, as opposed to sending them the actual Form 10-K.

Disgorgement & Penalty Information

Cease and Desist Order
Various undertakings

Related Documents:

33-8582 14-Jun-2005 Administrative Proceeding
Order Instituting Cease-and-Desist Proceedings, Making Findings, and Imposing Remedial Sanctions and a Cease-and-Desist Order Pursuant to Section 8A of the Securities Act of 1933
On June 14, 2005, the SEC instituted settled cease-and-desist proceedings against Ford Motor Credit Company. According to the SEC: "This matter concerns Ford Credit's public distribution of sales materials soliciting investment in certain of its debt securities marketed as alternatives to traditional money market investments. These sales materials failed to comply with the requirements of Section 5 of the Securities Act."