Defendant Name: Fabrice Tourre

Defendant Type: Individual

Document Reference: court_doc519_10-cv-03229

Document Details

Legal Case Name SEC v. Fabrice Tourre
Document Name Final Judgment as to Defendant Fabrice Tourre
Document Date 27-Mar-2014
Document Format Civil Proceeding
Case Number 10-cv-03229
Federal District Court New York, Southern District of New York
Federal District Judge Katherine B. Forrest
Allegation Type Broker Dealer
Document Summary

Disgorgement & Penalty Information

Defendant shall not seek reimbursement from Goldman Sachs & Co., or any of its parents, or subsidiaries, with regard to the $650,000 civil penalty
Monetary Penalties:


Individual:     $175,463.00 Shared:    

Civil Penalty

Individual:     $650,000.00 Shared:    

Pre-Judgment Interest

Individual:     $31,150.91 Shared:    

Total Penalty

Individual:     $856,613.91 Shared:    

Related Documents:

comp21489 16-Apr-2010 Complaint
Complaint (Securities Fraud) ECF Case Jury Trial Demanded

Other Defendants in Action: