Related Documents:
SEC Charges J.P. Morgan Securities LLC With Misleading Investors in RMBS Offerings
On November 16, 2012, the SEC announced that it filed a civil action against J.P. Morgan Securities LLC ("JP Morgan"), EMC Mortgage, LLC, Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities I, LLC, Structured Asset Mortgage Investments II, Inc., SACO I, Inc., and J.P. Morgan Acceptance Corporation I. The Litigation Release stated: "The SEC alleges that JP Morgan misstated information about the delinquency status of mortgage loans that provided collateral for an RMBS offering in which it was the underwriter. JP Morgan received fees of more than $2.7 million, and investors sustained losses of at least $37 million on undisclosed delinquent loans. JP Morgan also is charged for Bear Stearns' failure to disclose its practice of obtaining and keeping cash settlements from mortgage loan originators on problem loans that Bear Stearns had sold into RMBS trusts. The proceeds from this bulk settlement practice were at least $137.8 million."
SEC Charges J.P. Morgan and Credit Suisse With Misleading Investors in RMBS Offerings
On November 16, 2012, the SEC announced: "In coordination with the federal-state Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities Working Group, the Securities and Exchange Commission today charged J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and Credit Suisse Securities (USA) with misleading investors in offerings of residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS). The firms agreed to settlements in which they will pay more than $400 million combined, and the SEC plans to distribute the money to harmed investors."
Final Judgment as to Defendants J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, EMC Mortgage, LLC, Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities I, LLC, Structured Asset Mortgage Investments II, Inc., SACO I, Inc., and J.P. Morgan Acceptance Corporation I
On January 7, 2013, Federal District Court Judge Robert L. Wilkins entered a final judgment order against J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, EMC Mortgage, LLC, Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities I, LLC, Structured Asset Mortgage Investments II, Inc., SACO I, Inc., and J.P. Morgan Acceptance Corporation I. The final judgment was pursuant to the defendants' consent.
Court Docket Document
Order To Establish A Fair Fund And To Appoint A Distribution Agent
The SEC's order to establish a fair fund and to appoint a distribution agent was signed on March 11, 2014.
Court Docket Document
Modified Final Judgment as to Defendants J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities I, LLC, Structured Asset Mortgage Investments II, Inc., SACO I, Inc., and J.P. Morgan Acceptance Corporation I
The Court stated:
"The Securities and Exchange Commission having filed a Complaint and Defendants J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, EMC Mortgage, LLC, Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities I, LLC, Structured Asset Mortgage Investments II, Inc., SACO I, Inc., and J.P. Morgan Acceptance Corporation I (collectively, "Defendants") having entered a general appearance; consented to the Court's jurisdiction over Defendants and the subject matter of this action; consented to entry of this Modified Final Judgment without admitting or denying the allegations of the Complaint (except as to jurisdiction); waived findings of fact and conclusions of law; and waived any right to appeal from this Modified Final Judgment: [...]"
Court Docket Document
The Court granted the SEC's motion for an order to approve the proposed amended distribution plan, and approved said plan.
Court Docket Document
Order Authorizing the Disbursement of JP Morgan Bulk Settlement Practice Fair Fund
The Court stated: "This matter is before the Court on plaintiff's Motion and Memorandum in Support for an Order Authorizing the Disbursement of the JP Morgan Bulk Settlement Practice Fair Fund ("Motion") [DE__]. Having considered the Motion, the Bulk Settlement Practice Distribution Plan approved by this Court on January 25, 2017 ("Plan"), the Declaration of the Distribution Agent, and being otherwise fully advised in the premises, for good cause shown the Motion is GRANTED."
Court Docket Document
Order Authorizing the Disbursement of the J.P. Morgan Delinquency Disclosure Fair Fund
The court ordered that the Fair Fund in the amount of $76,690,313.80 shall be transferred to the Escrow Account established by the Distribution Agent. The Distribution Agent shall disburse the Fair Fund to 12 Eligible Claimants and otherwise Eligible Claimants in accordance with terms of the plan and the motion.