Defendant Name: Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC

Defendant Type: Subsidiary of Public Company
Public Company Parent: Huntington Bancshares, Inc.
SIC Code: 6020
CUSIP: 44615010

Document Reference: 33-10951

Document Details

Legal Case Name In the Matter of Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC
Document Name Order Instituting Cease and Desist Proceedings Pursuant to Section 8A of the Securities Act of 1933, Making Findings, Imposing Remedial Sanctions and Imposing a Cease and Desist Order
Document Date 24-Jun-2021
Document Format Administrative Proceeding
File Number 3-20372
Allegation Type Securities Offering
Document Summary On June 24, 2021, the SEC instituted settled cease-and-desist proceedings against Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC, stating: "From approximately July 2014 until December 2016 (the “Relevant Period”), Gateway gave investors false and misleading information about the performance of auto loans that were securitized in asset-backed securities offerings."

Disgorgement & Penalty Information

Cease and Desist Order
Fair Funds
Monetary Penalties:


Individual:     $3,915,077.00 Shared:    

Civil Penalty

Individual:     $1,600,000.00 Shared:    

Pre-Judgment Interest

Individual:     $998,115.82 Shared:    

Total Penalty

Individual:     $6,513,192.82 Shared:    

Related Documents:

33-10951-s 24-Jun-2021 Administrative Summary
SEC Charges Auto Loan Company For Misstating Past Performance
The SEC "announced settled charges against Gateway One Lending &Finance, LLC for making false and misleading statements about the past performance of Gateway loans when offering a seriesof auto loan-backed securitizations."