Defendant Name:
Vale S.A.
Defendant Type:
Public Company
SIC Code:
Document Reference:
Document Details
Legal Case Name
SEC v. Vale S.A.
Document Name
Document Date
Document Format
Civil Proceeding
Case Number
Federal District Court
New York, Eastern District of New York
Allegation Type
Issuer Reporting and Disclosure
Document Summary
The SEC stated: "Vale, one of the world's largest iron ore producers, deceived investors concerning
the safety and stability of dams that it built to hold waste from its mining operations. While taking
full of advantage of the capital markets in the United States, Vale committed securities fraud by
intentionally concealing the risks that one of its older and more dangerous dams, the Bnunadinho
dam, might collapse. Specifically, Vale (1) improperly obtained stability declarations for the dam
by knowingly using unreliable laborato1y data; (2) concealed material info1mation from its dam
safety auditors; (3) disregarded accepted best practices and minimum safety standards; ( 4)
removed auditors and fnms who threatened Vale 's ability to obtain dam stability declarations; and
(5) made false and misleading statements to investors."