Defendant Name: Qualcomm Incorporated

Defendant Type: Public Company

Document Reference: 2016-36

Document Details

Legal Case Name In the Matter of Qualcomm Incorporated
Document Name SEC: Qualcomm Hired Relatives of Chinese Officials to Obtain Business
Document Date 01-Mar-2016
Document Format Administrative Proceeding
File Number 3-17145
Allegation Type Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Document Summary On March 1, 2016, the SEC announced that "Qualcomm Incorporated has agreed to pay $7.5 million to settle charges that it violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) by hiring relatives of Chinese government officials deciding whether to select the company's mobile technology products amid increasing competition in the international telecommunications market."

Disgorgement & Penalty Information

Self-report to the SEC for the next two years with annual reports and certifications of its FCPA compliance

Related Documents:

34-77261 01-Mar-2016 Administrative Proceeding
Order Instituting Cease-and-Desist Proceedings Pursuant to Section 21C of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Making Findings, and Imposing a Cease-and-Desist Order
On March 1, 2016, the SEC instituted settled cease-and-desist proceedings against Qualcomm Incorporated. According to the SEC: "This matter concerns Qualcomm's violations of the anti-bribery, books and records, and internal controls provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ('FCPA'). From 2002 through 2012, Qualcomm provided things of value to foreign officials -- including highranking employees of state owned enterprises ('SOEs') and government ministers -- to try to influence these decision makers to favor and/or promote Qualcomm-developed technology in an evolving international telecommunications market, thereby providing Qualcomm with a business advantage." Qualcomm's FCPA violations allegedly involved state owned enterprises and government officials in China.