Defendant Name:
First Southwest Company, LLC
Defendant Type:
Subsidiary of Public Company
Document Reference:
2016-37_First Southwest
Document Details
Legal Case Name
In the Matter of First Southwest Company, LLC
Document Name
SEC Charges Rhode Island Agency and Wells Fargo With Fraud in 38 Studios Bond Offering
Document Date
Document Format
Administrative Proceeding
Allegation Type
Municipal Securities & Public Pensions
Document Summary
On March 7, 2016, the SEC announced that it "charged a Rhode Island agency [RIEDC] and its bond underwriter Wells Fargo Securities with defrauding investors in a municipal bond offering to finance startup video game company 38 Studios." The SEC stated that: "In a separate administrative proceeding, the RIEDC's financial advisor for the bond offering -- First Southwest Company LLC -- agreed to settle charges that it violated MSRB rules by failing to document in writing the scope of the services the firm was providing in the bond offering until seven months after the financial advisory relationship began."