Defendant Name: Morgan Stanley and Co. LLC

Defendant Type: Subsidiary of Public Company
Public Company Parent: Morgan Stanley
SIC Code: 6211
CUSIP: 61744644

Document Reference: 34-79606

Document Details

Legal Case Name In the Matter of Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC
Document Name Order Instituting Administrative and Cease-and-Desist Proceedings, Pursuant to Sections 15(b) and 21C of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Making Findings, and Imposing Remedial Sanctions and a Cease-and-Desist Order
Document Date 20-Dec-2016
Document Format Administrative Proceeding
File Number 3-17737
Allegation Type Broker Dealer
Document Summary On December 20, 2016, the SEC instituted a settled proceeding against Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC for violating the SEC's Customer Protection Rule. According to the SEC: from March 2013 to May 2015, "by improperly including debits from affiliates... the information in MS&Co’s FOCUS Reports and annual audited financial statements on its Reserve Formula calculations was inaccurate."

Disgorgement & Penalty Information

Cease and Desist Order
Cooperation Before the Resolution
Remedial Acts or Efforts Before the Resolution
Monetary Penalties:

Civil Penalty

Individual:     $7,500,000.00 Shared:    

Related Documents:

2016-269 20-Dec-2016 Press Release--Administrative Proceeding
SEC Charges Morgan Stanley With Customer Protection Rule Violations
On December 20, 2016, the SEC announced in a press release that Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC violated the SEC's Customer Protection Rule. According to the SEC: from March 2013 to May 2015, "Morgan Stanley's affiliated transactions violated the Customer Protection Rule and that as a result of inaccurately calculating its customer reserve account requirements, it submitted inaccurate reports to the SEC."