Defendant Name: UBS Financial Services Inc. of Puerto Rico

Defendant Type: Subsidiary of Public Company
Public Company Parent: UBS Group AG
SIC Code: 6021
CUSIP: H4209710

Initial Case Details

Legal Case Name In the Matter of UBS Financial Services Incorporated of Puerto Rico
First Document Date 29-Sep-2015
Initial Filing Format Administrative Action
File Number 3-16846
Allegation Type Broker Dealer

Violations Alleged

Section 15(b)(4)(E) Exchange Act


First Resolution Date 29-Sep-2015
Headline Total Penalty and Disgorgement

See Related Documents

Related Documents:

2015-217 29-Sep-2015 Press Release--Administrative Proceeding
SEC Charges UBS Puerto Rico and Two Individuals in Actions Relating to Former Broker's Fraud; UBSPR Reaches $34 Million Settlement with SEC, FINRA
On September 29, 2015, the SEC announced that it, "charged UBS Financial Services Inc. of Puerto Rico ['UBSPR'] and a former branch manager for failing to supervise a former broker who had customers invest in UBSPR affiliated mutual funds using money borrowed from a UBSPR affiliated bank."
34-76013 29-Sep-2015 Administrative Proceeding
Order Instituting Administrative Proceedings Pursuant to Section 15(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Making Findings, and Imposing Remedial Sanctions
On September 29, 2015, the SEC instituted settled administrative proceedings against UBS Financial Services Incorporate of Puerto Rico ("UBSPR"). The SEC alleged that: "UBSPR failed reasonably to supervise Jose G. Ramirez Jr. ('Ramirez') with a view to preventing and detecting his violations of the federal securities laws from at least 2011 through 2013. Ramirez, a UBSPR registered representative, made misrepresentations and engaged in a fraudulent scheme involving the use of proceeds of non-purpose lines of credit ('LOC') to purchase securities."
34-77130 12-Feb-2016 Administrative Proceeding
Order Appointing Tax Administrator
On February 12, 2016, the SEC ordered the appointment of Damask and Associates LLP, a certified public accounting firm located in Half Moon Bay, California, as the Tax Administrator for the Qualified Settlement Fund in the matter.
34-77206 23-Feb-2016 Administrative Proceeding
Extension Order
On February 23, 2016, the Commission granted the Division of Enforcement's request for an extension of time until June 7, 2016 to submit a Proposed Plan of Distribution.
34-78002 07-Jun-2016 Administrative Proceeding
Second Extension Order
On June 7, 2016, the Commission granted the Division of Enforcement's request for an extension of time until December 7, 2016 to submit a Proposed Plan of Distribution. According to the SEC: "additional time is needed for the appointment of the fund administrator and to finalize the development of the proposed plan of distribution."
34-79227 03-Nov-2016 Administrative Proceeding
Order Appointing Fund Plan Administrator and Setting Administrator Bond Amount
On November 3, 2016, the SEC ordered appointment of "Rust Consulting, Inc. as the fund plan administrator and requested that the administrator's bond be set at $15,025,000."
34-79513 08-Dec-2016 Administrative Proceeding
Third Extension Order
On December 8, 2016, the SEC granted "the Division of Enforcement's request for an extension of time until April 10, 2017 to submit a Proposed Plan of Distribution."
34-80535-dp 27-Apr-2017 Administrative Proceeding
Proposed Plan of Distribution
According to the SEC: "The Division of Enforcement submits this Proposed Plan of Distribution ("Plan") to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") pursuant to Rule 1101 of the Commission's Rules on Fair Fund and Disgorgement Plans ("Rules"). The Plan provides for the distribution of funds collected in the above-captioned proceedings to compensate investors harmed by the securities violations of UBS Financial Services Incorporated of Puerto Rico ("UBSPR") ("Respondent")."
34-80535 27-Apr-2017 Administrative Proceeding
Notice of Proposed Plan of Distribution and Opportunity for Comment
According to the SEC: "The Division of Enforcement has submitted to the Commission a proposed plan of distribution (the "Plan") for the distribution of monies paid in the above- captioned matter."
34-81100 07-Jul-2017 Administrative Proceeding
Order Approving Plan of Distribution and Consolidating Settlement Funds for Administration
According to the SEC: "Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED, that pursuant to Rule 1104 of the Commission's Rules on Fair Fund and Disgorgement Plans, 17 C.F.R. § 201.1104, the Plan is approved.
34-81100-dp 07-Jul-2017 Administrative Proceeding
Plan of Distribution
According to the SEC: "The Division of Enforcement submits this Proposed Plan of Distribution ("Plan") to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") pursuant to Rule 1101 of the Commission's Rules on Fair Fund and Disgorgement Plans ("Rules"). The Plan provides for the distribution of funds collected in the above-captioned proceedings to compensate investors harmed by the securities violations of UBS Financial Services Incorporated of Puerto Rico ("UBSPR") ("Respondent")."
34-85891 20-May-2019 Administrative Proceeding
Order Approving Application of Fund Administrator for Payment of Fees and Expenses and Approval of Future Fees and Expenses
The SEC stated: "[I]t is hereby ORDERED [...] that OFM pay the Fund Administrator's current fees and expenses of $81,146.27 from the Fair Fund."
34-92512 28-Jul-2021 Administrative Proceeding
Order Directing Disbursement of Fair Fund
The Commission ordered that: "Commission staff shall transfer $15,355,456.19 from the Fair Fund to the Fair Fund’s escrow account at The Huntington National Bank, and the Fund Administrator shall distribute such monies to the eligible claimants in accordance with the Plan."
34-96964 22-Feb-2023 Administrative Proceeding
Order Authorizing the Disposition of Funds Remaining in the Fair Fund and Any Funds Returned to the Fair Fund in the Future, Discharging the Fund Administrator, Canceling the Administrator's Bond, and Terminating the Fair Fund
The Commission stated: "The Commission staff has confirmed that the Fund Administrator has completed the distribution process in accordance with the Commission’s orders and, except for the final Tax Administrator invoice, all taxes, fees, and expenses have been paid, and that all monies remaining in the Fair Fund have been received by the Commission."

Related Actions:

In the Matter of Ramiro L. Colon, III
SEC v. Jose G. Ramirez, Jr.
In the Matter of Jose G. Ramirez, Jr.