Defendant Name: William D. Shovers

Defendant Type: Individual

Initial Case Details

Legal Case Name In the Matter of William D. Shovers, CPA
First Document Date 18-Mar-2009
Initial Filing Format Administrative Action
File Number 3-13412
Allegation Type Issuer Reporting and Disclosure
AAER 2952


Violations Alleged

Exchange Act
Sec 10(b) + Rule 10b-5
Sec 13(b)(5)
Securities Act
Sec 17(a)(3)
Rules 13b2-1, 13b2-2 Exchange Act

Related Violations Alleged

William D. Shovers is alleged to have aided and abetted HLI Operating Company, Inc., f/k/a Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc.'s violation of Rule 12b-20 of the Exchange Act.
William D. Shovers is alleged to have aided and abetted HLI Operating Company, Inc., f/k/a Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc.'s violation of Sec 13(a) of the Exchange Act.
William D. Shovers is alleged to have aided and abetted HLI Operating Company, Inc., f/k/a Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc.'s violation of Rule 13a-1 of the Exchange Act.
William D. Shovers is alleged to have aided and abetted HLI Operating Company, Inc., f/k/a Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc.'s violation of Rule 13a-13 of the Exchange Act.
William D. Shovers is alleged to have aided and abetted HLI Operating Company, Inc., f/k/a Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc.'s violation of Sec 13(b)(2)(A) of the Exchange Act.
William D. Shovers is alleged to have aided and abetted HLI Operating Company, Inc., f/k/a Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc.'s violation of Sec 13(b)(2)(B) of the Exchange Act.


First Resolution Date 18-Mar-2009

Related Documents:

34-59596 18-Mar-2009 Administrative Proceeding
Order Instituting Public Administrative Proceedings and Imposing Temporary Suspension Pursuant to Rule 102(e)(3) of the Commission's Rules of Practice
34-60689 18-Sep-2009 Administrative Proceeding
Corrected Order Pursuant to Rule 102(e) of the Commission's Rules of Practice, Making Findings, and Imposing Remedial Sanctions

Related Actions:

SEC v. Ranko "Ron" Cucuz, William D. Shovers, Jesus Bonilla-Valdez, Ronald Lee Kolakowski, and HLI Operating Company, Inc., f/k/a Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc.
In the Matter of James Jarrett
James Jarrett
In the Matter of Allen Buntin
Allen Buntin
In the Matter of Greg Jones
Greg Jones