Defendant Name: Jasper Knabb

Defendant Type: Individual

Initial Case Details

Legal Case Name SEC (Plaintiff) v. Pegasus Wireless Corporation, Jasper Knabb, and Stephen Durland (Defendants), and Aero-Marine, LLC and Tammy Knabb (Relief Defendants)
First Document Date 26-May-2009
Initial Filing Format Civil Proceeding
Case Number 09-cv-02302
Allegation Type Issuer Reporting and Disclosure
Federal District Court California, Northern District of California


Violations Alleged

Exchange Act
Sec 10(b) + Rule 10b-5
Rule 13a-14
Sec 13(b)(5)
Securities Act
Sec 5
Sec 5(a)
Sec 5(c)
Sec 17(a)(1)
Sec 17(a)(2)
Sec 17(a)(3)
Section 16(a) Exchange Act; Rules 13b2-1, 16a-3 Exchange Act

Related Violations Alleged

Jasper Knabb is alleged to have aided and abetted Pegasus Wireless Corporation's violation of Rule 12b-20 of the Exchange Act.
Jasper Knabb is alleged to have aided and abetted an unidentified individual or entity's violation of Rule 12b-20 of the Exchange Act.
Jasper Knabb is alleged to have aided and abetted Pegasus Wireless Corporation's violation of Sec 13(a) of the Exchange Act.
Jasper Knabb is alleged to have aided and abetted an unidentified individual or entity's violation of Sec 13(a) of the Exchange Act.
Jasper Knabb is alleged to have aided and abetted Pegasus Wireless Corporation's violation of Rule 13a-1 of the Exchange Act.
Jasper Knabb is alleged to have aided and abetted an unidentified individual or entity's violation of Rule 13a-1 of the Exchange Act.
Jasper Knabb is alleged to have aided and abetted Pegasus Wireless Corporation's violation of Rule 13a-11 of the Exchange Act.
Jasper Knabb is alleged to have aided and abetted an unidentified individual or entity's violation of Rule 13a-11 of the Exchange Act.
Jasper Knabb is alleged to have aided and abetted Pegasus Wireless Corporation's violation of Rule 13a-13 of the Exchange Act.
Jasper Knabb is alleged to have aided and abetted an unidentified individual or entity's violation of Rule 13a-13 of the Exchange Act.


First Resolution Date 23-Jul-2010
Headline Total Penalty and Disgorgement $40,847,801

Related Documents:

comp21060 26-May-2009 Complaint
court_doc65_09-cv-02302 23-Jul-2010 Court Docket Document
Judgment of Permanent Injunction and Other Relief Against Defendant Jasper Knabb
court_doc142_09-cv-02302 09-Mar-2012 Court Docket Document
Order Granting In Part Motion for Financial Remedies; Denying Motion to Appoint Counsel

Other Defendants in Action: