Defendant Name: Global Transition Solutions, Inc.

Defendant Type: Other

Initial Case Details

Legal Case Name SEC v. John T. Place, Paul G. Kirk, John P. Kirk, Global Transition Solutions, Inc., and Global Transition Solutions, LLC
First Document Date 08-Aug-2016
Initial Filing Format Civil Proceeding
Case Number 16-CV-04291
Allegation Type Broker Dealer
Federal District Court Pennsylvania, Eastern District of Pennsylvania

Violations Alleged

Exchange Act
Sec 10(b) + Rule 10b-5
Sec 15(c)
Additionally, John T. Place is alleged to have controlled Global Transition Solutions, Inc. 's violation of Sec 10(b) + Rule 10b-5 of the Exchange Act.
Paul G. Kirk is alleged to have controlled Global Transition Solutions, Inc. 's violation of Sec 10(b) + Rule 10b-5 of the Exchange Act.
John P. Kirk is alleged to have controlled Global Transition Solutions, Inc. 's violation of Sec 10(b) + Rule 10b-5 of the Exchange Act.
John T. Place is alleged to have aided and abetted Global Transition Solutions, Inc. 's violation of Sec 15(c) of the Exchange Act.
John T. Place is alleged to have controlled Global Transition Solutions, Inc. 's violation of Sec 15(c) of the Exchange Act.
Paul G. Kirk is alleged to have aided and abetted Global Transition Solutions, Inc. 's violation of Sec 15(c) of the Exchange Act.
Paul G. Kirk is alleged to have controlled Global Transition Solutions, Inc. 's violation of Sec 15(c) of the Exchange Act.
John P. Kirk is alleged to have aided and abetted Global Transition Solutions, Inc. 's violation of Sec 15(c) of the Exchange Act.
John P. Kirk is alleged to have controlled Global Transition Solutions, Inc. 's violation of Sec 15(c) of the Exchange Act.


First Resolution Date 24-Apr-2017

Related Documents:

comp23613 08-Aug-2016 Complaint
court_doc_30_16-cv-04291 24-Apr-2017 Court Docket Document
Final Judgment as to Defendant Global Transition Solutions, Inc.

Other Defendants in Action:

Related Actions:

In the Matter of G-Trade Services LLC, ConvergEx Global Markets Limited, and ConvergEx Execution Solutions LLC
SEC v. Craig S. Lax
In the Matter of Jonathan Samuel Daspin
In the Matter of Thomas Leskargeren
In the Matter of Craig S. Lax
SEC v. Anthony G. Blumberg
SEC v. Khaled "Kal" Bassily
In the Matter of Khaled "Kal" Bassily