Defendant Name: Signature Leisure, Inc.

Defendant Type: Other

Document Reference: LR-21632

Document Details

Legal Case Name SEC v. K&L International Enterprises, Inc., et al.
Document Name SEC Obtains Judgments Against Stock Distributors Stephen Carnes, Lawrence Powalisz and Their Companies
Document Date 25-Aug-2010
Document Format Civil Proceeding
Case Number 09-cv-01638
Federal District Court Florida, Middle District of Florida
Federal District Judge Gregory A. Presnell
Allegation Type Securities Offering
Document Summary On August 25, 2010, the SEC issued a litigation release announcing the entry of a Final Judgments against Signature Leisure, Inc. and additional defendants. According to the SEC: "The Commission's complaint alleged that the defendants engaged in a scheme to evade the registration provisions of the federal securities laws by selling billions of shares of stock issued by microcap companies to the investing public."

Disgorgement & Penalty Information

Monetary Penalties:


Individual:     $900,162.00 Shared:    

Civil Penalty

Individual:     $50,000.00 Shared:    

Pre-Judgment Interest

(Penalty was noted in document, but no amount was listed)

Related Documents:

comp21224 24-Sep-2009 Complaint
According to the SEC: "Defendants Stephen Carnes and Lawrence Powalisz, in collaboration with the other defendants, are selling billions of shares of stock in "microcap" companies to the investing public without adhering to the registration requirements of Section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933 ("Securities Act"). "

Related Actions:

SEC v. Jorge Bravo, Jr.