Defendant Name: Regions Bank

Defendant Type: Subsidiary of Public Company
Public Company Parent: Regions Financial Corporation
SIC Code: 6021
CUSIP: 7591EP10

Document Reference: 33-9065

Document Details

Legal Case Name In the Matter of Regions Bank
Document Name Order Instituting Cease-And-Desist Proceedings Pursuant to Section 8A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21C of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Making Findings, and Imposing a Cease-And-Desist Order
Document Date 21-Sep-2009
Document Format Administrative Proceeding
File Number 3-13618
Allegation Type Broker Dealer
Document Summary The Commission stated: "These proceedings involve the role of a United States-based bank as trustee of an investment plan through which unregistered broker-dealers, U.S. Pension Trust Corp. and U.S. College Trust Corp. (collectively, “USPT”) defrauded approximately 14,000 investors by charging exorbitant, undisclosed commissions and fees in connection with the sale of mutual funds."

Disgorgement & Penalty Information

Cease and Desist Order

Related Actions:

SEC v. Regions Bank
SEC v. U.S. Pension Trust Corp., U.S. College Trust Corp., Iliana Madeiras, Leonardo Madeiras Jr., Nildo Verdeja
In the Matter of U.S. Pension Trust Corp.
In the Matter of U.S. College Trust Corp.
In the Matter of Leonard Madeiras Jr.
In the Matter of Iliana Maceiras
In the Matter of Nildo Verdeja