Defendant Name: Adelphia Communications Corp.

Defendant Type: Public Company
SIC Code: 4840
CUSIP: 00684810

Document Reference: complaint_02-cv-05776

Document Details

Legal Case Name SEC v. Adelphia Communications Corporation, John J. Rigas, Timothy J. Rigas, Michael J. Rigas, James P. Rigas, James R. Brown, and Michael C. Mulcahey
Document Name Complaint
Document Date 24-Jul-2002
Document Format Civil Proceeding
Case Number 02-cv-05776
Federal District Court New York, Southern District of New York
Allegation Type Issuer Reporting and Disclosure
Document Summary The SEC stated: "This case concerns one of the most extensive financial frauds ever to take place at a public company. From at least 1998 through March 2002, Adelphia - the nation's sixth largest cable-television company - systematically and fraudulently excluded billions of dollars in liabilities form its consolidated financial statements by hiding them on the books of off-balance sheet affiliates. It also inflated earnings to meet Wall Street's expectations, falsified operations statistics, and concealed blatant self-dealing by the family that founded and controlled Adelphia, the Rigas Family."

Related Documents:

LR-20795 30-Oct-2008 Litigation Release
Securities and Exchange Commission files motion to authorize distribution of funds to victims of the fraud perpetrated by Adelphia Communications Corp. ("Adelphia") in accordance with procedures adopted by U.S. Department of Justice in connection with Adelphia Victim Fund
The SEC stated that: "[I]t has filed a motion with the U.S. District Court overseeing its civil enforcement action against Adelphia Communication Corp. for an order authorizing the distribution of $95 million plus accrued interest (the "SEC Fund") held in the court's registry to victims of the Adelphia fraud in accordance with the procedures adopted by the U.S. Department of Justice with respect to the Adelphia Victim Fund."
lr20795-m 30-Oct-2008 Court Docket Document
Notice of Motion for Order Authorizing Distribution of Funds Held in Court Registry to Victims of Adelphia Fraud in Accordance With Procedures Adopted by U.S. Department of Justice With Respect to Adelphia Victim Fund
The SEC stated: "[T]he plaintiff, Securities and Exchange Commission, will move this Court . . . for an order ("Order") authorizing the distribution of funds held in the Court's registry to victims of the Adelphia fraud in accordance with procedures adopted by the U.S. Department of Justice with respect to the Adelphia Victim Fund."
lr20795-o 30-Oct-2008 Court Docket Document
Proposed Order Approving Distribution Plan
The document contains the proposed order approving the distribution plan based on the SEC's "motion for an order authorizing the distribution of funds held in the Court's registry . . . to victims of the Adelphia fraud in accordance with procedures adopted by the U.S. Department of Justice . . . with respect to the Adelphia Victim Fund."

Related Actions:

In the Matter of Gregory M. Dearlove, CPA
Gregory M. Dearlove