Defendant Name:
SAExploration Holdings, Inc.
Defendant Type:
Public Company
SIC Code:
Document Reference:
Document Details
Legal Case Name
SEC (Plaintiff) v. SAExploration Holdings, Inc., Jeffrey H. Hastings, Brent N. Whiteley, Brian A. Beatty, and Michael J. Scott, (Defendants), and Thomas W. O'Neill, and Lori E. Hastings, (Relief Defendants)
Document Name
Document Date
Document Format
Civil Proceeding
Case Number
Federal District Court
New York, Southern District of New York
Allegation Type
Issuer Reporting and Disclosure
Document Summary
The SEC stated: "This enforcement action arises from an elaborate, four-year-long fraud by
Defendant SAExploration Holdings, Inc. ("SAE" or the "Company") and four former senior
SAE executives, Jeffrey H. Hastings (former Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of SAE's
Board of Directors), Brent N. Whiteley (former Chief Financial Officer and General Counsel),
Brian A. Beatty (former Chief Operations Officer and, prior to that, Chief Executive Officer),
and Michael J. Scott (former Executive Vice President of Operations) . . . From as early as February 2015 through August 2019 (the "Relevant Period"),
SAE and Hastings, Whiteley, Beatty, and Scott (the "SAE Executives"), devised and carried out
a fraud to improperly recognize approximately $100 million of revenue from transactions with a
purportedly legitimate and unrelated customer, Alaskan Seismic Ventures, LLC ("ASV"). In
truth, however, ASV was created by the SAE Executives and controlled by Hastings and
Related Documents:
Press Release--Civil Action
SEC Charges Seismic Data Company, Former Executives With $100 Million Accounting Fraud
The SEC stated that: "[It] charged Houston-based seismic datacompany, SAExploration Holdings Inc. (SAE), and four former executives for a multi-year accounting fraud that falsely inflated the company’s revenue by approximately $100 million and concealed the theft of millions of dollars by the executives. SAE issued restated financial statements in February and declared bankruptcy in August."
SEC Charges Seismic Data Company, Former Executives with $100 Million Accounting Fraud
The SEC stated: "On October 8, 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission charged Houston-based
seismic data company, SAExploration Holdings Inc. (SAE), and four former executives
for a multi-year accounting fraud that falsely inflated the company's revenue by
approximately $100 million and concealed the theft of millions of dollars by the
executives. SAE issued restated financial statements in February and declared
bankruptcy in August."
Final Judgment as to Defendant SAExploration Holdings, Inc.
On December 17, 2020, the Court issued a final judgment as to Defendant SaExploration Holdings, Inc., stating: "Defendant . . . consented to the Court’s
jurisdiction over Defendant and the subject matter of this action; consented to entry of this Final
Judgment without admitting or denying the allegations of the Complaint (except as to
jurisdiction); waived findings of fact and conclusions of law; and waived any right to appeal
from this Final Judgment."
SEC Obtains Final Judgment Against Seismic Data Company
The SEC stated that: "On December 17, 2020, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York
entered a final consent judgment against SAExploration Holdings, Inc. (SAE), a Houston-based seismic data company, in connection with SAE's involvement in an accounting
fraud that falsely inflated the company's revenue by approximately $100 million."
Other Defendants in Action: