Defendant Name: Tammy Knabb

Defendant Type: Individual

Document Reference: court_doc152_09-cv-02302

Document Details

Legal Case Name SEC (Plaintiff) v. Pegasus Wireless Corporation, Jasper Knabb, and Stephen Durland (Defendants) and Aero-Marine, LLC and Tammy Knabb (Relief Defendants)
Document Name Final Judgment Against Relief Defendant Tammy Knabb
Document Date 11-May-2015
Document Format Civil Proceeding
Case Number 09-cv-02302
Federal District Court California, Northern District of California
Federal District Judge Jeffrey S. White
Allegation Type Issuer Reporting and Disclosure
Document Summary

Disgorgement & Penalty Information

"In partial payment of [disgorgement and prejudgment interest], Relief Defendant shall convey . . . three parcels of real property."
Monetary Penalties:


Individual:     $7,263,666.17 Shared:    

Pre-Judgment Interest

Individual:     $1,923,752.10 Shared:    

Total Penalty

Individual:     $9,187,418.27 Shared:    

Related Documents:

comp21060 26-May-2009 Complaint