Defendant Name: Mitchell J. Stein

Defendant Type: Individual

Initial Case Details

Legal Case Name SEC v. Heart Tronics, Inc. , Mitchell Jay Stein, Willie James Gault, J. Rowland Perkins, II, Martin Bert Carter, Mark Crosby Nevdahl, and Ryan Allan Rauch, Defendants, Tracey Hampton-Stein, Arc Finance Group, LLC, ARC Blind Trust, THS Blind Trust, Jaymi Blind Trust, Oak Tree Investments Blind Trust, WBT Investments Blind Trust, Catch 83 General Partnership, and Five Investments Partnership, Relief Defendants.
First Document Date 20-Dec-2011
Initial Filing Format Civil Proceeding
Case Number 11-cv-01962
Allegation Type Issuer Reporting and Disclosure
Federal District Court California, Central District of California


Violations Alleged

Exchange Act
Sec 10(b) + Rule 10b-5
Sec 13(b)(5)
Sec 20(a)
Sec 20(e)
Securities Act
Sec 5(a)
Sec 5(c)
Sec 17(a)(1)
Sec 17(a)(2)
Sec 17(a)(3)
Sec 17(a) (Not specified)
Section 13(d), 16(a) Exchange Act; Rule 13b2-1, 16a-3 Exchange Act
Additionally, Martin Bert Carter is alleged to have aided and abetted Mitchell J. Stein's violation of Sec 10(b) + Rule 10b-5 of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Willie Gault is alleged to have aided and abetted Mitchell J. Stein's violation of Sec 10(b) + Rule 10b-5 of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Mark Nevdahl is alleged to have aided and abetted Mitchell J. Stein's violation of Sec 10(b) + Rule 10b-5 of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).

Related Violations Alleged

Mitchell J. Stein is alleged to have aided and abetted Heart Tronics, Inc.'s violation of Sec 10(b) + Rule 10b-5 of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Mitchell J. Stein is alleged to have controlled Heart Tronics, Inc.'s violation of Sec 10(b) + Rule 10b-5 of the Exchange Act.
Mitchell J. Stein is alleged to have aided and abetted an unidentified individual or entity's violation of Sec 10(b) + Rule 10b-5 of the Exchange Act.
Mitchell J. Stein is alleged to have aided and abetted Heart Tronics, Inc.'s violation of Rule 12b-20 of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Mitchell J. Stein is alleged to have aided and abetted an unidentified individual or entity's violation of Rule 12b-20 of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Mitchell J. Stein is alleged to have aided and abetted Heart Tronics, Inc.'s violation of Sec 13(a) of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Mitchell J. Stein is alleged to have aided and abetted an unidentified individual or entity's violation of Sec 13(a) of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Mitchell J. Stein is alleged to have aided and abetted Heart Tronics, Inc.'s violation of Rule 13a-1 of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Mitchell J. Stein is alleged to have aided and abetted an unidentified individual or entity's violation of Rule 13a-1 of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Mitchell J. Stein is alleged to have aided and abetted Heart Tronics, Inc.'s violation of Rule 13a-11 of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Mitchell J. Stein is alleged to have aided and abetted Heart Tronics, Inc.'s violation of Rule 13a-13 of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Mitchell J. Stein is alleged to have aided and abetted an unidentified individual or entity's violation of Rule 13a-13 of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Mitchell J. Stein is alleged to have aided and abetted Heart Tronics, Inc.'s violation of Sec 13(b)(2)(A) of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Mitchell J. Stein is alleged to have aided and abetted an unidentified individual or entity's violation of Sec 13(b)(2)(A) of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Mitchell J. Stein is alleged to have aided and abetted Heart Tronics, Inc.'s violation of Sec 13(b)(2)(B) of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Mitchell J. Stein is alleged to have aided and abetted an unidentified individual or entity's violation of Sec 13(b)(2)(B) of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).


First Resolution Date 03-Mar-2015
Headline Total Penalty and Disgorgement

See Related Documents

Related Documents:

comp22204 20-Dec-2011 Complaint
court_doc5_11-cv-01962 03-Mar-2015 Court Docket Document
Final Judgment Against Defendnat Stein Imposing Permanent Injunctions, Permanent Officer and Director Bar, Permanent Penny Stock Bar, Disgorgement with Prejudgment Interest, and a Civil Penalty
court_doc464_11-cv-01962 13-Oct-2018 Court Docket Document

Other Defendants in Action:

Related Actions:

In the Matter of Mitchell J. Stein