Defendant Name: Thomas Fisher

Defendant Type: Individual

Initial Case Details

Legal Case Name SEC v. Thomas Fisher, Kathleen Halloran, and George Behrens
First Document Date 09-Aug-2007
Initial Filing Format Civil Proceeding
Case Number 07-cv-04483
Allegation Type Issuer Reporting and Disclosure
Federal District Court Illinois, Northern District of Illinois


Violations Alleged

Exchange Act
Sec 10(b) + Rule 10b-5
Rule 12b-20
Sec 13(a)
Rule 13a-1
Rule 13a-13
Securities Act
Sec 17(a)(1)
Sec 17(a)(2)
Sec 17(a)(3)

Related Violations Alleged

Thomas Fisher is alleged to have aided and abetted Nicor, Inc.'s violation of Rule 12b-20 of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Thomas Fisher is alleged to have aided and abetted Nicor, Inc.'s violation of Sec 13(a) of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Thomas Fisher is alleged to have aided and abetted Nicor, Inc.'s violation of Rule 13a-1 of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).
Thomas Fisher is alleged to have aided and abetted Nicor, Inc.'s violation of Rule 13a-13 of the Exchange Act (willfully/knowingly).


First Resolution Date 03-Aug-2010
Headline Total Penalty and Disgorgement $1,268,782

Related Documents:

comp20233 09-Aug-2007 Complaint
court_doc88_07-cv-04483 03-Aug-2010 Court Docket Document
Final Judgment as to Defendant Thomas Fisher

Other Defendants in Action:

Related Actions:

SEC v. Nicor Inc. and Jeffrey L. Metz