Defendant Name:
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Defendant Type:
Public Company
Document Reference:
Document Details
Legal Case Name
SEC v. Penn West Petroleum Ltd., d/b/a Obsidian Energy LTD., Todd H. Takeyasu, Jeffery A. Curran and Waldemar Grab
Document Name
SEC Charges Oil and Gas Company and Top Finance Executives with Accounting Fraud
Document Date
Document Format
Civil Proceeding
Case Number
Federal District Court
New York, Southern District of New York
Allegation Type
Issuer Reporting and Disclosure
Document Summary
According to the SEC: "The SEC's complaint alleges that Penn West Petroleum Ltd. ... fraudulently moved hundreds of millions of dollars in expenses from operating expense accounts to capital expenditure accounts. This alleged fraudulent movement caused Penn West to artificially reduce its operating costs by as much as 20 percent in certain periods, which falsely improved reported metrics for oil extraction efficiency and profitability."
Other Defendants in Action: