Defendant Name:
Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation
Defendant Type:
Public Company
SIC Code:
Document Reference:
Document Details
Legal Case Name
SEC v. Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation, Louis R. Tomasetta, Eugene F. Hovanec, Yatin D. Mody, and Nicole R. Kaplan
Document Name
Complaint and Jury Demand
Document Date
Document Format
Civil Proceeding
Case Number
Federal District Court
New York, Southern District of New York
Federal District Judge
Jed S. Rakoff
Allegation Type
Issuer Reporting and Disclosure
Document Summary
On December 10, 2010, the SEC filed a complaint and jury demand against Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation, Louis R. Tomasetta, Eugene F. Hovanec, Yatin D. Mody, and Nicole R. Kaplan. According to the SEC: "During the period in or about 1995 through April 2006, defendant Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation ('Vitesse' or the 'Company') engaged in fraudulent revenue recognition practices and stock options backdating misconduct. This fraud was orchestrated by certain of Vitesse's most senior former executives."
Other Defendants in Action: