Defendant Name: John H. Ford

Defendant Type: Individual

Initial Case Details

Legal Case Name SEC v. Barry C. Honig, John Stetson, Michael Brauser, John R. O'Rourke III, Mark Groussman, Phillip Frost, Robert Ladd, Elliot Maza, Brian Keller, John H. Ford, Fil Alpha Capital Anstalt, ATG Capital LLC, Frost Gamma Investments Trust, GRQ Consultants, Inc., HS Contrarian Investments, LLC, Grander Holdings, Inc., Melechdavid, Inc., OPKO Health, Inc., Southern Biotech, Inc., and Stetson Capital Investments Inc.
First Document Date 07-Sep-2018
Initial Filing Format Civil Proceeding
Case Number 18-cv-08175
Allegation Type Market Manipulation
Federal District Court New York, Southern District of New York

Violations Alleged

Exchange Act
Sec 10(b) + Rule 10b-5
Securities Act
Sec 17(a)(2)
Sec 17(a) (Not specified)
Section 17(b) Securities Act


First Resolution Date 21-Sep-2018

Related Documents:

comp24262 07-Sep-2018 Complaint
Complaint and Jury Demand
court_doc28-18-cv-08175 21-Sep-2018 Court Docket Document
Final Judgment as to Defendant John H. ford
comp24431 08-Mar-2019 Complaint
First Amended Complaint and Jury Demand
comp24771 16-Mar-2020 Complaint
Second Amended Complaint and Jury Demand

Other Defendants in Action: